Following the release of the Sport Integrity Australia – PHOTOGRAPHY AND FILMING OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE IN SPORT – February 2024 available on the Sports Integrity Australia website we have updated the policy on photography at SNSW events. HERE
This document identifies many risks around photography and filming of children and young people in sport and specifically identifies swimming as a sport with a higher risk (Pg6).
All event programs will now explicitly say that no photography will be allowed poolside except for the official photographers.
Event program text:
In accordance with Sport Integrity Australia Guidelines, no photography can be taken poolside by any person except by one of the official event photographers. This is to manage a safe sporting environment for our children and athletes.
We encourage you to read the guidelines and consider how you communicate and implement in your Areas to deliver a safe environment for our children and young people in sport.
Pool deck access remains restricted to our Technical Officials, participants and accredited coaches.
We appreciate everyone’s support in keeping our sport safe.
For further information please contact: